Down to Earth Conversations
When I think of heaven, I think of a place of perfect love, where all are equal and no one is in need. I think of a reality where goodness is found in its purest form. But is heaven somewhere out there? Is it a place we might get to one day? Or is it something available to us here and now?
Life is filled with everyday opportunities to do good in the world. If we take the opportunities we are given, no matter how big or small, perhaps we bring a bit of heaven into the spaces we occupy - bringing a bit of heaven Down to Earth, so to speak.
Down to Earth Conversations is simply conversations with ordinary people who are helping to bring a bit of heaven Down to Earth.

Andy Dickson
First off, I'm a husband, dad and son. Whānau (family) is super important to me.
I'm a spoken word poet (find me here) and writer (check out my book) and I love the power that words hold to impact our lives. I run poetry workshops with recovering addicts and have performed at events such as the national poetry slam (2016) and the Justice Conference Chch (2019).
I love learning. Hence these conversations are fascinating to me. I have studied performance music, sport management, adult education, theology, and te reo Māori, and with no previous handyman skills I have renovated my house by watching YouTube!
I am deeply committed to outworking Te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi) in everyday life, seeing it as a key part in helping to bring the reconciliation that is so badly needed in this nation. Owning my own part in this and becoming involved in the kōrero by listening first is crucial to bringing a bit of heaven Down to Earth in this land.
Ultimately, I believe that Jesus' prayer, that God's kingdom would come and his will would be done on earth as it is in heaven - that is to make earth more like heaven - is most often outworked by ordinary people in ordinary ways. And I love having the opportunity to share with you some of the conversations that inspire me to look for opportunities to do this.
There are some easy ways you can support Down to Earth Conversations. The simplest and best way is to share the podcast or blog with friends and family. Word of mouth is always the best way to connect others in, but also sharing episodes you have enjoyed or found helpful on social media is a big help.
If you have the means and feel you would like to support me financially, you can donate on a monthly or one-off basis to help cover the costs of keeping this thing going by transferring money into our account - 03-0854-0855571-000 - with the reference 'podcast'.
I am so thankful for any way in which you can help me to bring a bit of heaven Down to Earth.
Contact Me
I'd love to hear from you, whether it's to suggest people to interview, give feedback on a podcast or blog, ask questions about things that have come up for you when listening or reading, or something else entirely. Email, social media, or use that easy to use form thing down there. Chat soon.
Based in Christchurch, New Zealand